
Transform your Novation Launchpad in a circular sequencer. Stop making music with your eyes fixed on the screen. Ocataedre fells intuitive and tactile. It gives a different perspective on sequencing.

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This project is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This is free software. “Free as in freedom, not free as in free beer”.


Octaedre has been design with approachability in our heads, we have tried to create the most intuitive/easy interface for music sequencing. We recommend to start using it without reading any documentation, just plug your Novation Launchpad, open Octaedre, configure the midi clock input and midi output, and try to create some simple rythms or melodies. Under this first layer of simplicity, Octaedre has also some advance features very worthy to know. Triplets, polyrythms or melody sequencing are all possible.

Octaedre control scheme


Open the application and you will find two drop down menus. The one above sets the midi clock input that Octaeder will receive. You can send the midi clock input from your daw or any other device able to send midi clock signal. The second drop down menu is the midi output. That means the midi output port where Octaedre will send its midi signals.


Press any of the sequencer buttons to activate a step in the sequence. You can also choose the notes that the step will trigger. Default midi note is 64.


Every track corresponds to midi channel. Change the selected track by pressing any of the track buttons. You can mute/unmute a track by pressing Right shift + track.Change the tempo of the track using the tempo modifier button. Press Left shift + sequencer button to change the length of the track. The length of each track is independent.


There are 4 independent scenes. Press the scene buttons to change the playing scene. You can chain scenes by holding Right shift and a sequence of the scenes.


Change between tracks 1-8 and 9-16 using the Page 1 / Page 2 buttons.


Convert two steps in a triplet by holding a sequencer button and pressing the next of the sequence. Color will change to violet and you can use the same combination to remove the triplet.


To copy a step of the sequencer or a scene use the copy button + the origin step/scene + the target step/scene. To copy a track just hold copy + the target track and the current track will be copied to the target.

Midi parameters

You can change the length, velocity and octave of the steps using the control and the control modifier buttons. Velocity and length will change individual steps, while octave will affect the whole the track.


Switch between sequencer and chords mode by pressing the mode button.


Select the chord that will be trigger by the last pressed step on the sequencer mode.


Once you have a chord selected, choose among different play modes with the arperggios button.

Free midi

Press right shift and any of the free midi buttons to send a midi control signal. Assing this signal to anything you want with your daw or external device.


Do you have new and interesting ideas for Octaedre? Or maybe you found a bug? Or would you like to contribute in another way? Feel free to use https://github.com/rafapaezbas/octaedre/issues in order to communicate with us. We are looking forward to know how you would improve this project.